Sunday 21 February 2016


Coming back to a well-loved series or novel after going a long time without it is like coming home after years away to find that everything is as you left it, but at the same time everything has changed. You notice details you missed the first time round, grow to like certain characters more or less and notice subtle hints at what's to come that the author snuck in there.

It's a brilliant thing, but it's something we barely ever make time for. If a new book in a series has come out, instead of re-reading the books, I will usually google the plotline or check on goodreads for the spoiler reviews as they give a recap without me having to spend time going through all of the previous books, when there are so many others that I haven't read yet waiting for me.

I think that my ways are going to begin to change, though. Re-reading the Iron Fey series over the past couple of days has shown me how important it is to re-read series that you love and how much fun it is to do so.

That's my challenge to you. Over the next week or month, instead of picking up that new, shiny book that everyone's been raving about and you really have to read, stop, and go over to your bookshelves. Pick up a book that you loved when you read it, but haven't touched in years. Read it and enjoy.


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