Over time our reading tastes change. It's a natural process
because as we read works by new authors and in different genres, we expand our
knowledge and we gain appreciation for different styles of writing.
Five years ago, at the ripe old age of twelve, my tastes
were very different to how they are now. I was obsessed with the Twilight
series, in a very unhealthy way. I would read the series and then reread it and
then reread it again in a constant cycle, to the point where I had read each
book at least twenty times. (No, that's not an exaggerated number,
It was bad for me because it not only meant that I couldn't
let go of the story, which is important when our actual lives have to be lived,
but also because I was lacking that expansion. I was hooked on vampires,
werewolves and an unrealistic image of what my high school life would be like. I
was limiting myself so much because I wouldn't move on.
Looking back on that time now, I hate it, because I missed
out on so many great books because I simply ignored their existence. That's
why, now, my aim is to read as many different books as I possibly can so that
when I look back at my reading tastes as they are at the moment in five years
time, I will look back with a smile rather than a frown.