Tuesday 20 January 2015


Over the weekend I felt inspired to have a total rearrangement of how my books are laid out on my shelves. Previously they were just put where any other book by that author happened to be and to be honest, it looked a bit messy.
So, shelf by shelf I took down my books and placed them on my bed and floor depending on how much I had enjoyed them (almost like a star rating) and whether I felt like I had grown out of them slightly. I am never willing to let go of my books so I still have a lot from when I was about ten or eleven years old, which I really appreciated at the time, but I think that if I read them now they wouldn't have the same effect.
I ended up having books spread out over most of my room, piles of various sizes in every available space. After a lot of decision making I had set my book out in five separate areas. The books that I liked most would go on the shelves above my desk, then the next down on the shelf above my bed and so on down until the final set which I had decided to put on the bookshelf at the end of my bed, where they cannot easily be seen.
The idea of all of this was to be reminded of the books I liked most more often than the books that I didn't like as much. I now oddly have a shelf that mainly has black books on it and another that has more colours than the rainbow, but I guess that's just how these things work out.
Once I was done I took a look around and felt really pleased with myself for what I had done. I am someone who finds it hard to accept change and always sticks to a routine so I imagine I will often be reaching for Divergent and end up with The Hobbit now or something similar, but change is important.

Without change we cannot move forward and that links to my reading aim for 2015. This year I want to not only read more, but also share my love of books more, past with my school librarian and sister. This change of how I shelve my books is probably not that important in what I read, but what it symbolises, me changing how I share my love of books, is important.


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