Saturday, 28 February 2015

Review: Everneath by Brodi Ashton

Being very truthful, even though I have given this book five stars, I would actually say that it is more at a four and a half level, though I like it too much to put it down to four stars. This book was enthralling and brilliant and I wish I had discovered it earlier.
When this book started, I was confused as to exactly what was going on, but as the book went on I learnt that that was entirely the right way to introduce this book as that is how I imagine Nikki felt after having spent the equivalent of one hundred years in a cavern with only one person for company. That confusion meant that I could better place myself in Nikki's shoes as it were and I think it was an extremely good way of starting a novel in which you feel like you are constantly being left with questions.
As well as that, the parallel storylines in the book worked really well. Each one was slotted in in a place that would link to what was going on at that moment, or at a point where it would help me as the reader understand part of the plot which we had just reached. It was also interesting to be able to contrast the Nikki that we knew in the present day with the girl that she had become after her time in the Everneath. I often prefer chronologically linear narratives, but in this book the structure worked perfectly.
I liked Nikki as a character and I think that is very important when reading a novel. Having connecting points with a character is also a nice bonus and I felt that I could connect with Nikki. She was a strong individual who wanted to come back to see her family and Jack again and she tried her best to ignore the people who were talking behind her back and so on. To me, she represents what a female protagonist should be. Yes, there is the whole love story aspect, but I think that her wanting to be a better sister and daughter was also important. It's a well-rounded character like that who won't give in that is what I like to find.
If we are going to talk about preferences romantically then I have to admit that I personally favour Cole. He's not a particularly nice character, but then sometimes you need a bit of bad to spice up the action. Throughout the course of the book I could see that Nikki had changed him personality wise and that influence I feel will be his redemption. Another reason for me rooting for Nikki and Cole is that I personally feel that the high school romance that Nikki and Jack have will never truly work out. High school crushes are for high school, but I feel that what Nikki and Cole have is much more than that.
This book obviously isn't just about romance. The mythology in this book captured my imagination greatly. I personally love mythology of any sort and to see Ashton explore this deeper was just amazing. I was left wanting to learn more, though I understand that for the purposes of this novel that that would not be the best move; it is important that Nikki doesn't know everything. In the next books I hope that we get an expansion on what we have already learnt.
The other characters also played an important part in this novel. Will and Mary/Meredith were an integral part of this novel and they really added to the storyline. Mrs Stone was another character who you knew would have some role to play in the latter parts of the novel, but you didn't know how fully they would fit in. Even though they had lesser roles, they were still really important in the construction of the novel and I didn't feel like they were left of the sidelines too much for them not to be necessary.
I guess the reason for me not thinking that this is a full five star book is just because it didn't have that little bit extra to push me further to it. It is hard to explain feelings as words, but I personally feel that this book needed something more to make it five stars, something that I hope I can find in the next book.

Overall this book is amazing and I can't wait to get my hands on the second book in this series. I really want to know what's going to happen!

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