My rating: ⭐⭐⭐
My feelings on this book are very mixed. Before reading it, I had seen
so many people raving about how great this book was and up to around page 150,
I felt the same. But then something changed. The story seemed to lose viability
because the conflicts didn’t seem to warrant the reactions. It felt like the
author had written out a timeline of when certain relationship milestones had
to be reached and then to make Chloe and Red’s relationship fit that, conflict
was added in to make up the time in between.
A spoiler example of this was the fall out on the ‘bar crawl’. I knew
that they would need to make up with each other before the camping trip they
had planned for the next weekend and predictably the plot followed that so that
they were back together for the next weekend. It made the relationship feel
fake and too planned out.
Having said that, the representation of physical and mental illness in
this book was refreshing. The recognition that when you find a partner, no
matter how amazing they are, it doesn’t make you recover and that medication
and therapy are important parts of navigating such illnesses.
The premise of this book was also really fun and interesting. The
prologue was a really good opener and set up the book in the best possible way.
I’m really sad I didn’t enjoy this book more because when I first started
reading it, I thought it would be an easy five stars, but such is life.
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