Saturday 8 August 2015

Review: Fairest by Marissa Meyer

This book is a great accompaniment to the main 'Lunar Chronicles' series. It is definitely a book that needs to be read after reading 'Cress', the third book in the series, and before reading 'Winter', the forth book in the series, because that way you understand more about the characters and the story, plus it ends so you can start 'Winter' straight after reading it with a smooth transition. In places it is quite a sad tale and at other moments it makes you want to tear out your hair in annoyance, though that is a good thing. It is really interesting to get a look into the court on Luna and this book manages to build hype and excitement amazingly well for 'Winter'. Though this book isn't as good as the main 'Lunar Chronicles' books, it still manages to stir up emotions within me and even made me want to root for someone I know to be the "bad guy".

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