Saturday 18 June 2016

Summer Reads Recommendations

Summer will soon be upon us, and for some lucky people it has already started, so I thought I would share with you some books to read in summer.

Personally, I tend to read contemporary books in summer and these are some of my favourites from the past year and a half.

The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
If you're in the mood to be a little sad, then this is the book for you. Nelson's writing really draws you in to the characters and the story. Be prepared to hate certain decisions, but you can love this book through that and that's what makes it really stand out.

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
This book has been hyped and plugged so much over the past year, so you're probably sick of hearing about it, but I can guarantee that at least one of you won't have read it. So, why should you give into the hype? This book mixes the importance of family, the stresses of schoolwork and exploring new relationships with being part of a fandom, making it extremely relatable and, secretly, we all want Cath's life.

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
This is my favourite out of Anna, Lola and Isla and is the perfect starting point if you want to explore the contemporary genre. If you're in the mood for a sweet romance and a couple that's extremely shippable, pick this up.

Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson
This book surprised me, in a good way. This is a great story about friendships, new and old, and the perfect way to spend your summer. It's both inspiring and heartbreaking; the perfect holiday read.

If you end up reading any of these, let me know what you think of them! What books would you recommend to read over the summer?

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